10 Biggest Mistakes Home Sellers Make in Phoenix

Discover the 10 biggest mistakes home sellers make in Phoenix, so you can avoid critical errors and keep the process of selling your home exciting and fun!

1. Not Marketing Properly
Selling a home in Phoenix is all about marketing. You can’t get the house sold quickly or at a high value…

Read Rest of Article Here: http://www.ostermanrealestate.com/biggest-mistakes-home-sellers-make/

Best Methods for House Hunting in Paradise Valley

Finding your dream house can be exciting but it can also be a chore and something of a grind. There are so many options, and knowing where to start as well as what way to proceed can be frustrating. If you’re curious about the best methods and best practices for house hunting, you’re not alone….

Read Rest of Article Here: http://www.ostermanrealestate.com/best-methods-for-house-hunting/

Ask a Realtor: Buyer’s Market vs. Seller’s Market

There are two terms that are constantly tossed around when it comes to home buying, and those are the buyer’s market and the seller’s market. Each has a distinct effect on your quest to find your dream home, but many people are confused as to what each term means, and even how you can tell which…

Read Rest of Article Here: http://www.ostermanrealestate.com/buyers-market-vs-sellers-market/

5 Best Gated Communities in North Scottsdale

There are tons of advantages to living in a gated community. It offers outstanding security, a quiet but active lifestyle with tons of amenities, and even the potential for an eco-friendly life, as many of these communities are turning towards green energy. You may be curious about the best…

Read Rest of Article Here: http://www.ostermanrealestate.com/best-gated-communities-in-north-scottsdale/